
Jan 19, 2021

BIODIVERSITY- Definition, value, Significance


      Biodiversity is a collection of plants, animals, insects, etc. that live in a place. The term biodiversity was first coined in 1985 by Rosen Smith. An agreement on biodiversity was signed at the Bashundhara Conference in Rio de Janeiro. It is known as the Convention on Biological Diversity. Although the importance of biodiversity for the welfare of the human race is officially recognized, the people of each country have full rights over the biodiversity of that country.

  Definition of biodiversity-  Biodiversity is the sum total of all species of organisms located in a given area at a given time.

      Biodiversity is the variation that occurs on the basis of species in any wetland or terrestrial ecosystem or as part of all types of ecosystems.

      Biodiversity is the environment that is formed by the organisms and different types of ecosystems found in a particular habitat or in the entire world.

    The value of biodiversity - The importance of biodiversity in the environment is immense. This vast biodiversity of the world has economic, environmental and cultural value.

     Biodiversity is considered to be the capital of a country. Everything for human food, clothing and shelter needs material plants or animals. Around 2500 species of plants have been brought into agricultural work all over the world. .

        Every member of the ecosystem benefits people in one way or another. Biodiversity strengthens the economic infrastructure of a country. Helps to bring prosperity.


 People are worshipers of beauty .This beauty of the natural environment is incomparable .Therefore thousands of people visit the zoo, botanical gardens, etc. every year.

     Every species on earth has the right to live .After birth, every living thing on this earth gradually completes its life cycle .And we leave the other species of Tatar until death.

      In 1993, India signed the CBD and some of the responsibilities and duties of conserving biodiversity in the country were imposed on the people. First, an account of the country's zip resources was compiled. But only fifteen to twenty percent of the amount .The remaining 80% is still unknown.

      Significance of biodiversity - Biodiversity is created depending on the environment. And we benefit from this biodiversity in many ways. Biodiversity has some major importance such as -

    Humans depend directly on plants and indirectly on various animal species for food .Therefore, we have to rely on the vast forest resources of the world .About 2500 species of plants have been brought under agriculture in the whole world. It is considered as the main food grain of human beings.

      The main components of most of the medicines used in the world today are different types of herbal ingredients. At present, about 25% of the medicines in the world are produced from about one hundred and twenty species of plants.

       In fact, biodiversity manages the food chain and food network of an ecosystem .By conserving biodiversity, it is possible to maintain the natural balance of a particular region.

      Accurate and large biodiversity purifies the economic structure of a country. Currently, the world's mega-diversity countries have established themselves as a developed and powerful country among the other countries in the United Nations. Indicative of prosperity.

       Humans are constantly enjoying the unique beauty of biodiversity. We have been learning about the beauty of biodiversity from various scriptures and poetry from the past. We do not fully realize the immense importance of biodiversity now. The countries are being severely neglected.

                                                                               BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOT

        The word hotspot is very important in the case of biodiversity. In areas where species diversity is very high and in which most species are endemic but irregular and scientifically used, threatend areas are called hotspots.

       The eastern Himalayas of India and the Western Ghats are the two hotspots. The biodiversity of all the geographical regions of the world is not uniformly spread. Species are limited to India. The concept of hotspots was first invented by Norman Mayer in 1988. Hotspots are the world's most developed and endangered species of plants and animals. 

     There are about 25 hotspots in the world. One point 4 percent of the world's land area is currently in these hotspot zones .Tropical rain forests are spread in 15 of these hotspots. About twenty percent of the people live in these hotspot zones. Two of the twenty-five hotspots in the world are located in India.